




Is one of the most sought-after antioxidant supplements right now . It’s not only a powerful antioxidant, but also packed with anti-fatigue and anti-inflammatory properties, as well of other health benefits.

Its action on oxidative stress in the blood, can help reduce high blood pressure, improve heart health, prevent diabetes, and decrease the risk of brain damage from stroke. It's a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. 

Astaxantin is often referred to as ‘the king of carotenoids’ because of its reputation as one of the most powerful antioxidants found in nature.

Astaxantin never converts to a pro-oxidant. This means that it can never bring destructive oxidation in the body, making it perfect for health-related benefits and performance.

Health Benefits of Astaxanthin

1 Helps With Diabetes

2) Astaxanthin helps With Heart Disease

3) Astaxanthin Can Naturally Reduce Your Oxidative Stres and Improve Your Immune Response

4) Astaxanthin Helps Protect You Against Bacterial Inflammation

5) Astaxanthin Helps Tame The Growth of Cancer Cells

6) Astaxanthin Prevents And Reduces Brain Damage from Stroke

Astaxanthin can help curb oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals. This is the holy grail in the manner in which antioxidants help prevent disease.

Silver Defense

Immunity Booster and Healing Agent

 Colloidal Silver had been used in medicine for centuries, touted as a cure-all , from tuberculosis and arthritis to herpes and cancer. Even today, many alternative practitioners believe that colloidal silver offers health benefits by supporting immune function and preventing or treating infections, both common and severe.

Health Benefits

Manufacturers of colloidal silver claim that it is capable of stimulating the immune system by helping the body heal itself. This supplement can aid in wound healing, improve skin disorders, and either prevent or treat diseases like flu, pneumonia, herpes, eye infections, shingles, cancer, and AIDS.

“Supporting our immune system daily is one of the best ways to confront environmental and dietary challenges and the emotional stressors that weaken our immune system’s response.

Maner Protocol



  • •In recent years a significant reassessment of the nature and causes of cancer has taken place. Cancer was formerly believed to be a localized disease, characterized by a lesion, usually in the form of a growth, which appeared at some specific part of the body. This localized lesion was thought to be the result of activity produced by an invading virus, carcinogenic agent, or some form of blunt force trauma. 


  • •Today, there is a growing conviction among researchers and physicians that cancer is a complex disease that is the end result of a disturbed metabolism (body chemistry). It is an insidious disease that involves the entire body; the nervous system, digestive track, pancreas, lungs, excretory organs, endocrine system and the entire defense mechanism. The frequent reoccurrence of a malignancy after treatment with the conventional methods of surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy, results because the basic underlying metabolic cause of the cancer is rarely considered and consequently remains uncorrected.

Cancer Etiology

  • •If the immune system, however, is weakened from poor nutrition, excessive environmental pollutants or a continuing debilitating stress, the cancer cells are uninhibited and will multiply rapidly forming the symptomatic growth of cancer.


  • •Our immune system generally weakens with advancing age. This increases the possibility of degenerative metabolic diseases occurring.


  • •One of the primary objectives of all metabolic therapy is to revitalize the body’s immune system, to restore it to a fully functional condition. Accomplishment of this goal permits the immune system to eliminate or otherwise negate the cancer cells before they can begin an invasive growth.


  • •Metabolic physicians and researchers believe that we can remain healthy if we supply the individual cells of the body with the proper amounts of oxygen, nutrients, enzymes, minerals, amino acids and other essential nutrients from both our diet and nutritional supplements. Of equal importance is the ability of the body to eliminate the waste products of cellular metabolism through proper bowel movements, efficient breathing, normal excretion, etc.  


  • •Treatments must be provided which will help the body detoxify itself by eliminating harmful pollutants.


  • •This, in essence, is the heart of metabolic therapy. It is a multi-faceted program incorporating numerous related elements, each of which plays an important role in the success of the complete therapy.

Administration of Amygdalin

I.-    Slow Drip Infusion.   The most efficacious mode of administration is through the slow-drip infusion technique which was developed at the Manner Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico.  It became apparent that the breakdown of amygdalin and its subsequent detoxification was very rapid. If it were to be administered over a longer period of time, this could be overcome. In addition, the amygdalin must pass through many biological membranes in order to reach its site of action. This can be accomplished by combining the amygdalin with Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). Finally, as vitamin C is known to slow the growth of tumors, it is added to allow the amygdalin and the rest of the metabolic therapy more time to work.


  • •The following formula was developed:

       a). - 250 cc  5% Dextrose solution or saline water.

       b). - 25 grams Vitamin C

       C). - 10 cc  DMSO (99% surgical grade)

      d) 6 a 9 gramos de amygdalin injectable solution



      The amygdalin should be added just prior to injection to insure maximum potency.

      This complete infusion is administered intravenously over a 2 to 3 hour period.


            More rapid administration can result in a localized burning sensation due to the large amounts of Vitamin C. This infusion is administered daily over the first 21 days of metabolic therapy.



Clinical Factors that
determine dosage adjustment


  • •During the course of treatment with amygdalin it is sometimes advisable to alter the dosage. The sense of well-being of a patient is probably the best practical guide in deciding whether or not a change in dosage is indicated. This subjective “good” feeling is influenced by the patients’ ability to dispose of the toxic products that result from tumor breakdown and in the overall condition of the organ systems of the body.


  • •When drainage from a cancer area is inadequate, or detoxification and excretion are impaired, the toxins released by lysed cancer cells may cause an occasional episode of weakness, dizziness, increased body temperature or other symptoms of toxemia such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever and mental confusion. Such toxemia is usually temporary, lasting from a few hours to one day, and subsides as detoxification and elimination adjust to the rate of tumor breakdown. In the event the symptoms persist the patient’s dosage level should be decreased. Once the toxemia abates, the dosage should be increased.


  • •In cases in which extensive radiation has taken place, or chemotherapeutic drugs have been used, the toxic effects of those treatments may mask the evidence of toxemis from cancer cell destruction.


  • •The destruction of the cancerous process in leukemia with amygdalin does not lead immediately to a reduction in quantity or quality of circulating “leukemia” cells. In fact, there may be an initial, although moderate, increase. The best criterion for adequate dosage is the patient’s sense of well being over a period of many months and possibly years. During this time frame the gradual decrease of circulating white cells may be followed clinically.









Selenium Benefits: A Unique Trace Mineral That Provides Powerful Cancer Prevention

We are surrounded by toxic chemicals in the environment all around us. One of these pollutants is mercury which is a biological toxin that can be lethal. Mercury binds easily to fatty tissue especially in the kidneys, liver, and brain. It can accumulate in high concentrations weakening these organs and causing severe harm. One of the best detoxifying agents to prevent mercury build-up is the mineral selenium.

Most people have elevated concentrations of mercury in their body. Mercury competes with other essential trace minerals at cellular binding sites. A deficiency of trace minerals can readily allow mercury to accumulate in and contaminate cells by inhibiting their natural energy producing abilities, blocking enzymatic activity and shutting down antioxidant systems.

How Are We Exposed to Mercury?

Aside from industrial pollution, major mercury contaminants in our environment are sourced from fish, vaccinations, processed food, and dental amalgam fillings. A 2009 study published in the Journal of Environmental Health showed evidence that mercury cell chlor-alkali chemicals are used in the manufacturing of food color additives such as FD&C Yellow 5, FD&C Yellow 6 and high fructose corn syrup.

Selenoprotein enzymes are generated by the body by incorporating the trace mineral selenium into proteins. These enzymes function like antioxidants, destroying free radicals thus limiting oxidative damage. They also stimulate thyroid function and optimize the immune system. But many people have too much mercury in their body. When mercury binds to selenium, the production of selenoproteins is reduced. This promotes immune dysfunction and abnormal thyroid function.

Selenium Is a “Mercury Magnet”

Think of selenium as if it is a mercury magnet. It has a powerful affinity for binding toxic agents in the body and neutralizes their harmful activity. When mercury and selenium bind, this new compound cannot be absorbed by the body so it is removed as waste. This strong interaction greatly benefits total health and serves as one of the best strategies to remove accumulated mercury from fatty tissue in areas like the brain.

Supporting the production of this antioxidant enzyme is essential for human health. We must include a surplus of selenium in our body to reduce mercury levels. It is critical to consume more selenium and less mercury for this to occur. Mercury contamination from food, vaccines, dental amalgams, or whatever the source might require you to increase selenium consumption up to 1000 mcg each day.

The Anti-Inflammatory Roles of Selenium

Selenium stimulates a variety of antioxidant pathways in the body and also reduces inflammation, regulates the immune response, and improves blood flow. Selenium can be one of the most potent sources for reducing inflammation. This is an important consideration for individuals struggling with an autoimmune problem, which includes patients with HIV and life-threatening sepsis.

Supplementation with selenium has been shown to enhance the natural antioxidant defense system of cells. The activity of NF- kappaB (nuclear factor kappaB), known to trigger a chronic inflammatory response, can be suppressed using selenium. Supplementation has also been reported to decrease the concentration of immune-trafficking components of lymphocytes called L-selectin. These adhesion molecules give inflammatory T-cells the green light to leave the bloodstream and bind to tissues in the body resulting in a heightened inflammatory response.

Selenium is also very important for healthy fertility. Selenium is incorporated in the sperm mitochondrial capsule and may affect the behavior and function of the sperm as they move through the vaginal canal. Optimal levels of selenium help to improve the sperm viability and support fertility.

How Selenium Fights Cancer

Selenium acts a bit like a mechanic in how it works. It binds protective antioxidants like glutathione to areas of DNA that need repair. This process reduces the damage to cellular DNA and is especially important to reduce cancer growth, improve the aging process, and prevent against many degenerative diseases.

Research has been shown that selenium can contribute to natural antioxidant pathways which stimulate apoptosis (cell death) in human cancer cells. It has also been found to reduce metastasis in skin cancers such as melanoma.

Many selenoproteins remain largely unknown in the full extent to which they help fight disease. What is well understood is that selenium maintains a healthy balance of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and can prevent against metabolic complications like diabetes and cancer.

Selenium Deficiency Linked to Thyroid Cancer

Specifically, low selenium levels are associated with an increased risk of thyroid cancer. This is due to the crucial role it plays on protecting the thyroid gland from damage. The incorporation of selenium into selenoproteins is essential for optimal thyroid health and for the protective effects of these antioxidant systems throughout the entire body. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the evidence is strong enough to claim selenium plays a pivotal role in carcinogenesis.

By supporting the repair of DNA, selenium is able to inhibit tumors generated by abnormal cellular growth and development. By removing hazardous agents from the body and detoxifying fatty tissue, selenium supports a healthy immune response to fight infection. Selenium treatment may be an alternative method in the fight against cancer and may even reduce mortality in many individuals struggling with chronic and infectious inflammatory diseases.

Recommendations for Selenium Consumption

It is recommended that one consume between 200-400 micrograms of selenium daily. Although too much selenium is toxic, the typical American consumes only 60 mcg each day. Long term deficiency weakens immunity and increases the risk of disease.

Chronic fatigue, stunted growth, high cholesterol, liver and pancreatic disorders, as well as cancer are among the list of the most common problems and disorders associated with selenium deficiency.

Reduce Your Exposure to Mercury

The high levels of mercury circulating in water systems from industrial pollution has led to controversy regarding fish consumption. A source of mercury, fish is also an excellent source of selenium.

A report to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration by Dr. Nicholas Ralston showed that some sources of fish have higher concentrations of selenium than mercury. These include tuna, southern flounder, and wild pacific salmon such as Sockeye, Coho, and Chinook. The most hazardous sources of fish included various types of shark, tarpon, and pilot whale.

Highest Sources of Selenium in Food:

The best source of selenium is found in Brazil nuts. A single Brazil nut alone contains an estimated 50-75 mcg selenium. A small handful of no more than 6 nuts will supplement the selenium you need for the entire day.

Other excellent sources of selenium include pasture-raised eggs, mushrooms, shellfish, meat (including organ meats), as well as seeds.

Source :

Vitamin D

Uses and benefits

Vitamin D has several important functions. Perhaps the most vital are regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorous and facilitating normal immune system function. Getting a sufficient amount of vitamin D is important for normal growth and development of bones and teeth, as well as improved resistance against certain diseases. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin in a family of compounds that includes vitamins D-1, D-2, and D-3. It can affect as many as 2,000 genes in the body.

D fights disease

Vitamin D has many roles in the body, including modulation of cell growth, neuromuscular and immune function, reduction of inflammation: Many genes encoding proteins that regulate cell proliferation and apoptosis are modulated in part by vitamin D. . Vitamin D also affects cell growth, by encouraging healthy cells to grow and discouraging the growth of cancerous cells, vitamin D provides many other benefits that improve overall health.

D fights depression

Research has shown that vitamin D might play an important role in regulating mood and warding off depression. In one study, scientists found that people with depression who received vitamin D supplements noticed an improvement in their symptoms.

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vitamin B15

Vitamin B15 helps in the formation of specific amino acids such as methionine. It also plays a role in the oxidation of glucose in cellular respiration and like vitamin E – it acts as an antioxidant helping to strengthen the cell. This wonderful vitamin even helps the liver detoxify the body. If you want more scientific information – look up the work of Dr. Krebs. This supplemnt has a very important role in the Amygdalin Metabolic Therapy.

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Broccoli Juice Beats Cancer

Researchers believe a substance called isothiocyanate in the broccoli activates some genes that fight cancer and switching off others that cause it to spread.
All cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts contain natural chemicals that can enhance DNA repair which could stop them becoming cancerous. They contain several compounds that improve the liver detox function which will help get rid of cancer causing toxins.
Researchers at John Hopkins University have discovered that fresh broccoli sprouts contain as much protection as the vegetable itself. Broccoli however is a powerhouse of nutrition. It is full of beta-carotene, vitamins B1 and C, the minerals calcium, sulfur and potassium and an excellent source of fiber and is 45% protein.
Organic vegetables are best. Here is a recipe you could try:

60ml (2 fl oz) of carrot juice
60ml (2 fl oz) of apple juice
60ml (2 fl oz) of beetroot juice
60ml (2 fl oz) of broccoli juice
½ – 1 tsp chopped fresh parsley
A squeeze of fresh lemon juice.]
Green juices and smoothies are loaded with vitamins, amino acids, chlorophyll and mineral such as iron and calcium. Vegetables and their juices are a great way to keep your body alkaline and flooded with oxygen. Cancer cannot thrive in these conditions

Amygdalin - What is Amygdalin

According to Wikipedia Amygdalin is a glycoside initially isolated from the seeds of the tree Prunus dulcis, also known as bitter almonds, by Pierre-Jean Robiquet and Antoine Boutron-Charlard, in 1830[1] and subsequently investigated by Liebig and Wöhler in 1830. Several other related species in the genus of Prunus, including apricot (Prunus armeniaca) and black cherry (Prunus serotina),[2] also contain amygdalin.


Cytopharma de México SA
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